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Benefit cost calculation

Show the full range of benefits delivered by your projects

The Benefit Cost Calculation Tool (BCC Tool) provides quantitative analysis of the economic benefits and costs delivered by social housing projects.

The BCC Tool presents tangible evidence using accredited data sources combined with local inputs. Results are presented in a format suitable for government / public sector business cases and funding submissions.

The tool can be used to make the case for government funding to support your project, e.g. delivery of enabling infrastructure, site remediation, other measures such as local transport improvement.

Subscription entails unrestricted access to the Excel-based calculation tool, combined with online technical expert support including direct assistance with the set-up of projects and results validation.

Scope of the tool and calculations

The BCC Tool captures a broad range of impacts including:

  • Direct financial impacts of the scheme: costs to the public sector as well as any revenues.
  • Wider fiscal impacts: indirect public sector cost savings such as reduced NHS-related costs, reduced housing costs, crime-related cost savings.
  • Wider economic impacts: employment-related benefits, energy efficiency benefits, welfare-related benefits from increased sporting and cultural participation, amenity benefits, land value uplift, distributional impacts.

The tool presents appraisal results in clear tabular format, demonstrating the relative size / scale of different benefits and costs. It also provides a summary benefit – cost ratio.

Use case

The BCC Tool is designed for a range of different uses, including:

  • Demonstrating comparative value of social housing versus other development options: The BCC Tool’s holistic assessment can show that overall benefits of social housing often outweigh those of other housing / development options.
  • Promoting the inclusion of social housing as part of a wider programme: Where a local authority is bidding for regeneration or other funding, the tool can justify adding-in social housing via quantified evidence of the additional benefits.
  • Capturing the benefits from other community investments: The BCC Tool can assess the benefits of additional measures that improve or enhance a scheme, e.g. sporting facilities, educational and cultural centres, green space, improvements to local retail, etc.

For some specific case studies click here.