Building Better & PfH bring you a fully compliant route to market for volumetric, offsite built homes with quality, price certainty and user experience at the heart of our offer.
“Thanks to the comprehensive support we received from PfH throughout the procurement exercise we are confident that we have not only secured a quality appointment, we have also learnt a great deal about how we will continue to work with our new catering partner and deliver a great service to the residents of our flagship extra care development” – Alpha Living
“PfH has been supporting Citizen through a variety of procurements including Direct Awards and Further Competitions for several years. PfH consistently provide an excellent service and ‘do it with us, not for us’, sharing knowledge, skills and best practice along the way. They have been able to advise Citizen on the most appropriate route to market, share market insight and intelligence, and offer contract management support when required.” Callum Swingler, Interim Head of Procurement, Citizen