
It is imperative that policies and procedures are in place to manage a decant process, minimise disruption and provide suitable alternative accommodation.

This will ensure that there is a clear plan in place to minimise disruption and maintain safety during the decanting process. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved, establishes communication protocols, and sets expectations for the duration and conditions of the decant.

Having an up to date resident list ensures that all residents are accounted for and receive timely and clear communication about the decanting process, which can be a stressful experience.

It allows for a fair and equitable assessment of individual needs, ensuring that suitable alternative accommodation is provided.

Overall, it facilitates a smoother transition for all during property renovations or relocations.

Managing your resident list for property decants presents several challenges. Accurate and up-to-date record-keeping is essential but can be difficult due to the fluid nature of residents’ circumstances. Ensuring effective communication with all, especially those who may be vulnerable or have special requirements, is another significant challenge.

Finally, your business should have a protocol exit strategy in place to manage the return of occupants and the resumption of normal operations.

Cost, communication and care, the 3 strategic levels of any major emergency or scheduled annual property repair decant.

Without this plan in place it is highly likely that expensive hotel costs will escalate, complaints will rise, compensation will become a feature and your team will be swamped in an ever increasing avalanche of costs and administration.

Failing to plan is to plan to fail.

Lambert Smith Hampton/ A 3 Relocations are the ranked 1 supplier on our Accommodation and Decant Managed Services framework