Steve Malone

Managing Director, Procurement for Housing

Steve Aitken

Chairman, Insource Group

Steve has more than 30 years’ experience in leading businesses that design and deliver systems and processes to improve productivity and deliver high quality reliable results to a broad range of clients.  A large proportion of his career has been spent working on data systems for healthcare.  With an engineering background and entrepreneurial flair and business skills and experience, Steve is one of the driving forces behind Illumar. He is also Chairman of Insource, of which is also a founder director.

Monday 7th September, 9:30am-10:00am

How to revolutionise your housing data management from the lessons learned in Healthcare

Healthcare has some of the most difficult data challenges any industry could face, becoming a data driven industry they have the opportunity to revolutionise the way in which hospitals are run and how healthcare can be delivered. With such high stakes there needed to be a ground-breaking and innovative approach to data management. The success achieved in evolving data management technologies for healthcare can now be brought to other industries. This session will cover the similarities between healthcare and housing and how the lessons learned and solutions developed can be applied to resolving the data challenges in the housing sector and the benefits these systems can bring.