Insurance Claims Accommodation Bureau (ICAB)

At Insurance Claims Accommodations Bureau (ICAB), we understand the challenges that unexpected events can pose for tenants and residents. These disruptions can cause immense stress and uncertainty, and that’s why, for over 25 years, we have been committed to providing alternative accommodation precisely when it is needed most. As specialists in arranging both planned and emergency temporary decants, we offer a comprehensive range of services that are tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients and customers.

Efficiency and empathy are at the core of our business. We grasp the challenges social housing organisations face and the critical role they play in ensuring that tenants are housed in appropriate accommodation. With almost 10 years’ experience working in social housing, we have gained valuable insights into the way the industry operates and understand the intricacies of the decant process. Our expertise empowers us to navigate the complexities seamlessly, enabling us to collaborate effectively with housing associations, councils, and local authorities to arrange efficient and successful temporary decants for residents.

As a single-source solution provider, ICAB streamlines the decant process, saving you precious time and resources. Our extensive network enables us to source a wide range of accommodation options, including hotel rooms, serviced apartments, and rental properties. Furthermore, we take great pride in owning and manufacturing ICAB PODS; innovative modular units available in four variants featuring external and internal kitchens and bathrooms. This comprehensive offering ensures a seamless experience for tenants, simplifying the decant process and minimising disruption.

We are, without question, experts in our field and are caring and trustworthy partners committed to delivering exceptional customer service. Our dedicated team is available around the clock; a true 24/7 service, ready to assist you at any time, day or night. Unlike automated services, your call will be answered by a compassionate and experienced person, ready to listen to the needs of the tenant and provide immediate support. We understand the importance of maintaining professionalism and empathy for the person being decanted, ensuring a positive experience throughout the process.

With 25 years of experience as a specialist provider of alternative accommodation, ICAB has cultivated strong relationships with suppliers. These connections provide us with open channels of communication, allowing us to secure the best accommodation options at the lowest possible market prices. We work directly with reputable budget hotel chains and continuously expand our access to “live booking portals,” ensuring that we can promptly secure cost-effective solutions whenever the need arises.

We consider ourselves experts in all aspects of decant accommodation but in emergency situations, ICAB truly shines. With our extensive experience as major loss and multiple decant specialists, we are exceptionally well-equipped to handle crises such as mass flooding, cladding issues and extensive damp and mould issues. You can trust us to navigate through challenging circumstances with the utmost care and professionalism reducing the impact on residents.

Our valued partners, ranging from G15 to smaller provincial Housing Associations, experience the benefits of working with ICAB. Most social housing organisations have previously faced the arduous task of liaising with residents and hotels to find suitable emergency accommodation, often outside of regular working hours. Since working with us, the process has become simpler, quicker and more cost effective. With a single phone call, they provide us with the resident’s details and relevant information, and we handle everything else! There is no cost to those instructing us for using our initial booking services, saving both time and money.


But don’t just take our word for it, here is what one housing association had to say about their experience of working with us. “In July 2021 ICAB acted with incredible efficiency and empathy when asked to immediately relocate 159 families affected by the flooding in London. This was a unique experience for both us and our insurers as well as the customers who were extremely distressed by the unprecedented situation.

ICAB staff went over and above to ensure everyone had a roof over their head and for the duration of the claim lifecycle, each customer has been communicated with effectively.

We are thrilled to work with ICAB both in every day occurrences and major losses.”

Choose ICAB as your trusted partner for all your planned and emergency temporary decant needs. Our unwavering commitment to providing outstanding customer service, coupled with our ability to tailor our approach and processes to meet the specific requirements of housing associations, sets us apart. We collaborate closely with you to personalise finance procedures, adapt management information to suit your organisational needs, and customise instruction forms. Count on us to be flexible, adaptable, and forward-thinking in every aspect of our partnership.

Our unrivalled expertise, comprehensive services, and exceptional customer care can make a significant difference in streamlining your decant process. Let us be the reliable, understanding, caring, and trustworthy partner you need during times of change. Together, we can ensure a smooth transition for your tenants and residents, fostering a sense of security and comfort when they need it most. Trust ICAB to be by your side, delivering reliable and effective decant solutions every step of the way.