Employer Responsibilities Regarding Business Travel

By Peoplesafe 

Within housing, business travel is a frequent necessity. Whether meeting with clients, visiting property developments, or working on construction sites, employees often find themselves on the move. For employers, this means putting measures in place to fulfil their legal obligations and, more importantly, to safeguard their workforce.

Employer Obligations

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 requires employers to take all reasonable steps to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of employees, including during work-related travel both domestically and internationally. This means employers must conduct a thorough risk assessment before each trip to identify and put a plan in place to address any identified risks.

Employers are also obligated under UK common law to take reasonable care of their employees. Within the context of travel, this means that employers have a legal obligation to implement all reasonably practicable steps to reduce the risks involved with employees travelling for business purposes, no matter where they are.

In reference to employers’ duty of care, IOSH commented “this duty of care continues to exist when their employees are sent to work in other jurisdictions, either on a short-term basis or as part of a longer-term arrangement” and may also cover “a worker’s travel arrangements to or from work on a day-to-day basis while working abroad” as well as “the employee’s safety while in transit”.

Preparing Employees for Travel

When preparing employees to travel for work within housing, clear policies and procedures are essential. These policies should outline details regarding known common risks, expectations of employee behaviour and the safety measures in place to protect them. Alongside these policies, you should offer employees thorough training and education. This should cover de-escalation techniques, conflict resolution and dynamic risk assessments, providing employees with the knowledge and skills to identify potential hazards and respond safely to challenging situations.Providing Emergency Support

Another key element in ensuring employee safety within housing is providing reliable access to critical support. Whether facing medical emergencies, aggressive clients, accidents or injuries, having immediate support can make all the difference in ensuring the safety of workers.

Employee safety solutions, such as Peoplesafe can play a crucial role in addressing this. With an employee safety solution, employees gain access to 24/7 professional support at the touch of a button, providing a vital lifeline in emergencies. For those who travel regularly, additional features such as Travelsafe that automatically raise an alarm if the employee fails to reach their destination safely can be vital. By offering round-the-clock monitoring you can not only enhance physical security but also provide peace of mind and confidence to business travellers, knowing that help is readily available wherever, whenever.

Ongoing Responsibilities

Regularly collecting feedback from employees with experience travelling for work allows employers to gain valuable insights into areas for improvement in policies and procedures. By actively listening to the experiences and challenges faced by housing workers on the ground, employers can tailor their support systems, safety protocols, and training programs to better meet the needs of their workforce.

Navigating employer responsibilities in business-related travel requires a comprehensive approach. By establishing clear policies, implementing safety technology, and prioritising feedback, employers can create a safe and supportive environment for their travelling employees.

For more information on how Peoplesafe can support your employees, contact us here.