
This is what value for money looks like! 32% saving for PWS’s Housing Association Client in the first year of their PfH contract.

Three Key benefits PWS can bring to your Workwear, PPE & Janitorial Contract:

  1. 32% saving in actual £’s
  2. PWS will introduce new innovative products to maximise cost reduction, tailoured for You.
  3. Introduced Online Ordering Portal as the most efficient way to control and purchase PPE, Workwear & Janitorial (Time and Money)

This is a real life case study of a PfH Housing Association Client talking about their experience with PWS.

Consolidate your PPE, Workwear and Janitorial Spend

The Housing Association saw a number of positive changes introduced, as well as a few challenges, which is not unusual with any new supply solution. Innovations introduced by PWS have supported us to take better control of how and what PPE, Workwear & Janitorial we order. This enabled the buying to be brought together rather than from different sources, purchasing from the same supplier under the same contract.

PWS’s Free Consultation Process

PWS guided the Housing Association through an established core list of requirements, standardising and limiting the products we provide to our staff, which helps us manage the expectations of those who require PPE. Also, the highly efficient Online Ordering Portal has since totally changed the way we order and manage all our Workwear, PPE & Janitorial requirements.

Often with any change in supplier, many organisation focus on estimated savings and benefits that are unlikely to be made and not viable to realise in Pounds Saved. As the old saying goes “the proof is in the pudding” and PWS were able to prove this by consistently delivering what they said they would in their tender submission and we are now realising those benefits in subsequent years of trading.

To arrange your free OnSite Consultation contact:

Ryan Burtenshaw, PWS’s Dedicated PfH Social Housing Consultant,

Working with PWS was a great exercise to highlight that competitively tendering our requirements to test whether we are getting the best value, is worth it. This exercise has ticked all good practice procurement boxes. PWS is a Small to Medium Enterprise (SME), they have introduced positive change for our Business and they supply us with good quality products at reasonable prices. This combination is what us procurement people call – GOOD VALUE FOR MONEY“

Testimonial from Procurement Manager, Housing Association

For more information visit our website:

If you would like to know more about the Janitorial, Workwear and PPE framework, please click here.