
About us

We are Morgan Sindall Construction, part of Morgan Sindall Group plc, a leading UK construction and regeneration group. We work for private and public sector customers on projects and frameworks from £50,000 to more than £1 billion. We aim to create great results by providing expertise across a broad range of market sectors and by working collaboratively with our sister companies to maximise our offering to customers.

Our business model

Our 19 UK offices and 1,200 employees demonstrate our resource capacity. As a national business with regional and local autonomy, we operate a decentralised approach which enables our regional teams to engage with their clients, people, supply chain and communities in ways that are most effective for their businesses and markets.

Collaborative culture

Our supply chain partners are an extension of our business and are key to our performance and success. We therefore ensure we partner with the right companies and develop and maintain long-term relationships.

We reward our top performing partners with whom we have developed a strong and trusting relationship with, by inviting them to become Preferred Partners. All our Preferred Partners embody our values and are committed to our philosophy of 100% safe and Perfect Delivery. Having a strong, specialised supply chain allows us to select the most appropriate partners for each job. They work collaboratively with us to provide our customers cost and time certainty, and quality assurance on their projects.

Our Perfect Delivery philosophy

Our Perfect Delivery philosophy underpins the way we behave as a business, and provides a common set of principles that applies to everything we do. It is a formal process we follow to ensure every project is delivered Safely, On Time, to Quality, in order to have a Delighted Customer who will Recommend us. It is also a tool to capture and share lessons learnt from pre-construction through to post-completion.

perfect delivery

Our exceptional people

We have a dedicated PfH core team comprising of a framework lead supported by regional frameworks managers. Our delivery teams include fully qualified managers with fire safety experience to ensure effective delivery for our customers.

Our performance

Despite the current climate, the Group’s financial position has remained robust and resilient. We’re proud of the contribution we make to Morgan Sindall Group plc, and our strong balance sheet and secured workload is reflective of our future growth and success.

Click here to find out more about the Group’s latest financial results.

We’re also proud of our long-standing support of the Prompt Payment Code and remain fully committed to the prompt payment of our supply chain. Click here to see our latest statistics.

Social Value in the community

Our social value strategy involves the identification, measurement and monetisation of the outputs from our business that benefit the taxpayer, the communities where we work and the individual.

Our strategy is underpinned by Morgan Sindall Group’s Total Commitments:

morgan sindall total commitments

Our Total Commitments are aligned to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to end poverty, protect the plant and ensure prosperity for all.

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For further information, please contact:

Andy Webb

PfH Framework Lead